Saturday, 6 September 2008

Has it been a month?

It's been OVER a month since the wee man arrived early and threw my shopping plans askew. This will be a fairly lengthy blog with lots of photos to bring everyone up to speed about the Law/Kendall household.
Niall is a great big brother, his favourite thing is Jem. If Jem cries Niall is always the first on the scene to give pats, kisses, biscuits, cheerios, puzzles or whatever else he may have. I always find presents lodged somewhere on Jem's person. Niall is also talking a lot more, it all happened quickly, his favourite word is still bye, he can apply it in many obscure situations, he is still saying goodbye to any tv show that ends. He's going to bed alone which is a big help but he's also getting more active and vocal... We also have a video of him doing the actions to 'Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear' to add another day!
Jem is a tiny little thing who is a pretty good baby. We've been sick lately so he's cried a lot during the past week but only wakes once during the night for a bottle and has done this since he was less than 2 weeks old which is GREAT! He's getting stronger and is holding his head much better now. I thought I got a smile the other day too...
I've also thrown in a photo of Frangelica wearing her lunch for good luck.

They have a blog??

We are................

Where You Come From......

The wee man has been around for.....