Saturday, 19 September 2009
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Guess who had a haircut!
Well, Niall's looking all grown up with his new haircut, Jembo's looking all Jemboish without a haircut!
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Birthday parties!

Jem had a few celebrations to mark his first year passing.
We began with a 'party' at daycare which was basically a cake and Caramello Koalas for the kids. You can tell by the photo, he wasn't impressed.
Attempt 2 was fish and chips at Bribie Island, the third was with Mick's family, the fourth was with my dad and Robyn and Scott at Shorncliffe and wrapped up with a party at the park with our family and friends.
I have also included a photo of Jem with his little (yet big) cousin Sebastien and Sam and all the cousins with Fraser.
This should bring everyone up to date - is there anything I forgot? I will try to update more regularly in future!
Jem's update

Well, the little man is now one and a little bit.
He has had his share of illness this year. He was classed as "failure to thrive" which was a worry, it's usually linked to neglect but the doctor assured me he thought Jem's case was medical! He basically had chest infections, ear infections and lactose intolerance most of his life and has spent about half his life on antibiotics and was often grumpy.
I began giving him positive affirmations in his sleep as advised by my hippy friend and saw good results; within a week I'd say he was a happier more pleasant boy so it's worth a try when all else fails! I've even had comments about him being a lovely baby (much nicer than strangers asking if he's hungry or needs a dummy!)He still has his moments but he's a pretty gorgeous boy and loves running up for a hug.
He was standing and 'cruising' really early (6 months) but only started walking for real at 11 months.
He has been eating normal food for ages because he was weaned at about 3 months (advised by doctor for his reflux/weight gain). Despite his small stature he has always loved food but seems indifferent to all milk (lactose free) varieties. Maybe has a cup of milk a day? Can take it or leave it.
I really wish he'd loved the dummy but probably because he was sick, he never seemed to need it (although it would have made my life quieter). I ditched it completely without noticing any difference a while ago. Same with the bottle. He drinks from a spout cup or poppa.
I went about 5 months with 3 hours of broken sleep each night but thank Allah he sleeps through and has for a while! (Maybe I've learnt to sleep through?)
He has an awesome wardrobe (says me). My addiction to ridiculous designer kids' wear continues. He has more clothes than me but tends to live in 'old daycare' stuff. SIGH again.
Doesn't enjoy tv as much as the big guy. Loves to dance as much as the next person but is happy doing his own thing.
Next mission, starting in September school holidays: toilet training. See if he can beat Niall's 18 months... (I realise it will be pushed back to the Xmas holidays, just psyching myself up).
His first tooth poked through just after he turned one and there's another nearly out.
In summary; he tried to break me but I won in the end!
Niall's update
Ok, it's been a while...
Where does one start? Well, I will try to bring everyone up to speed with the boys, starting with the big guy; Niall!
Niall is now nearly 2 and a half. He's going to daycare every day except Wednesday when His Ganddad looks after him.
His talking is getting really good, yesterday he said "Mummy, I really want to push Jem", today it was "Mum, I really, really want to pinch Jem." Despite this, he is a fantastic big brother (which he tells me often). Sometimes/usually his love is not appreciated as some photos of Jem grimmacing and pulling away from a hug demonstrates!
His drawing is getting good, much more detailed. I added a photo of some of his work. About a month ago he said "I can write now Mummy" and it turns out he can! He can write the alphabet and key words eg. mum, dad, jem, niall and words you spell out. He's getting better at reading too and will say things like "s says ssss".
His first love is still the Wiggles but he has branched out to Dora and Diego (sigh) and the Super Why. Today he woke up asking to watch Blue's Clues. Bless Foxtel.
He loves to ring people on my mobile. And ask them what they're doing. Literally.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
A new cousin!
Fraser and Sam had little Sebastian last Saturday and he's a pretty cute baby! He'll be in Jem's year at school which is good.
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Twin Waters
We're just back from a little break at Twin Waters on the Sunshine Coast. The weather was perfect. Golf, food,swimming and shopping kept us busy.
Sunday, 4 January 2009
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